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University collaborations at TEXAS
Freshman Research Initiative
A quantum computing course is offered as part of the Freshman Research Initiative (FRI) stream. The class is taught by Brian La Cour and is open to freshmen in computer sciences, engineering, physics, and math with a background in basic linear algebra, familiarity with a high-level programming language, and an introduction to modern physics.
Course structure
Students learn about quantum computing and explore how it may be used to solve real-world problems. The work consists of a combination of both computer simulation and hardware experimentation using the small state of the art quantum computer available through the IBM Quantum Experience. Students engage in hands-on learning and research using actual hardware that may be accessed locally or remotely.
Research topics
- Understanding how quantum systems can be used to store and process information
- Understanding and implementing quantum algorithms to solve specific problems
- Learning methods of protecting quantum information using quantum error correction
Other quantum computing institutions
- University of Waterloo, Institute for Quantum Computing
- MIT, Quantum Information and Quantum Computing
- Berkeley Quantum Information & Computation Center
- Oxford Quantum
U.S. Government & nonprofit
- IARPA (Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Quantum Institute
- National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- National Security Agency (NSA)
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Quantum Computing Institute
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Quantum Information Science Group
- Sandia National Laboratories, Quantum Systems
- Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
Lectures & suggested reading
- Austin Quantum Computing-Artificial Intelligence Meet-up Group
- The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Caltech lecture series from 1963
- New Scientist, IBM’s online quantum computer, product review
- Quantum Computing Report, website
- Quantum Computing since Democritus, by Scott Aaronson (book for lay audience)
- Quantum Computing: A Gentle Introduction (Scientific and Engineering Computation), by Eleanor Rieffel (undergraduate level textbook)
- Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, by Michael Neilsen (graduate level textbook)