Dr. Charles E. Tinney
Senior Scientist
Applied Research Laboratories
The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 835-3419

Dr. Charles E. Tinney
Dr. Tinney works alongside his research assistants and academic colleagues to design novel experiments focused on elucidating the underlying physics governing unsteady systems. Dr. Tinney's background has covered a broad spectrum of research initiatives including supersonic and subsonic jet aeroacoustics, rocket noise, aeroelasticity, unsteady aerodynamics and control, rotor noise, turbulent boundary layer flows, shock wave boundary layer interactions and fluid induced vibrations. He joined the Applied Research Laboratories at The University of Texas at Austin in 2015 after serving seven years as an Assistant Professor in the Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics department at UT. Prior to joining UT in 2008, he served as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Florida and spent over two years at the Laboratoire d'Etudes Aerodynamique as a post-doctoral fellow with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, a member of the American Physical Society and American Helicopter Society, and an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Helicopter Society. Dr. Tinney also serves as the Technical Chair for the Aeroacoustics Technical Committee of the American Helicopter Society and receives continued support from agencies such as NASA, ONR, AFOSR, Air Force Research Labs and the Army Research Labs.
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, May 2005.
- M.S. CLARKSON UNIVERSITY, Potsdam, New York, U.S.A. Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, May 2001.
- B.S. CLARKSON UNIVERSITY, Potsdam, New York, U.S.A. Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, May 1999.
- The University of Texas at Austin, Applied Research Laboratories, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. Research Scientist, 2018-present.
- The University of Texas at Austin, Applied Research Laboratories, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. Research Associate, 2015–2018.
- University of Texas at Austin, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. Assistant Professor, 2008–2015.
- University of Florida - Research Education & Engineering Facility, Shalimar, Florida, U.S.A. Visiting Assistant Professor, 2007–2008.
- Universit´e de Poitiers, LEA, UMR–CNRS–6609, Poitiers, France. Post-doctoral Research Fellow, European Union Program: CoJEN (AST3-CT-2003-502790), 2005–2007.
- Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. Graduate Research Assistant, AFOSR BAA (F49620-02-1-0087 with Dr. Mark Glauser as P.I.), 2001–2005.
- Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, U.S.A. Teacher Assistant, 1999–2001.
- Pratt & Whitney, East Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A. Project Engineer, Air systems & pneumatics business center; commercial group, 1999.